✨Welcome to your safe space✨



that awareness is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. Awareness guides you to look inwards. By being the observer of yourselves, you create an opportunity to unlearn what no longer serves you, and make room to consciously recreate yourselves.

The biggest doodle we create is the life we live.

Welcome! I’m a clinical psychologist in supervised practice with extensive experience in child and adolescent psychology. My journey into the world of psychology did not start with psychology. While I was in high school, I was interested in both the visual arts and psychology but didn’t have a clear idea about which path I wanted to pursue.

So I took a leap of faith and decided to go to college to give my soul a chance to express itself. During my time in art school, I crossed path with many other artists, who were also there to express their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and stories through their artwork. At art shows, I found myself obsessing over the underlying meaning behind these art pieces. I desperately wanted to understand what the artist was thinking. What emotions were they experiencing when they decided to pick this shade of red? How did their past experiences influence this piece of art? What story are they trying to tell? What have they gone through? Sometimes I got the answer to these questions. Most times, I didn’t. The constant stream of questions in my head made me realize that while I loved art, my soul was actually more curious about the humans behind the artwork than the art itself. I wanted to learn more about the human mind.

So I shifted paths and went to University for psychology. I will never forget the semester that I took a developmental psychology class. I quickly became fascinated by how the early relationships and experiences we have can shape the way we see ourselves, other people, and the world. I saw how our past histories can leave a significant imprint on the way we cope with challenges, deal with our emotions, and show up in the world. This was the moment I knew I wanted to become a psychologist. I knew I wanted to create a safe space for people to tell their stories and feel seen and understood. I wanted to be a trusted person that helped people look within themselves, explore parts of them that may be hidden away, and learn helpful ways to cope with their thoughts and feelings.

I was absolutely thrilled to be accepted into a clinical psychology program. During my graduate training, I received worked in community agencies, hospitals, private clinics, and a school board to provide therapy and diagnose mental health concerns and learning challenges. My interest in the earliest years of life also led me to specialize in working with children, adolescents, and parents.

Part way through my clinical training, the pandemic hit. I got a chance to slow down and step away from graduate school. And of course, the artistic part of my soul crept back up. So I decided to start creating illustrations on Instagram to share my knowledge of psychology, coping skills, and the inside world of therapy. Since starting my instagram account, it has grown to over 200 thousand followers! This led me to recently illustrate and publish a book - This Book is a Safe Space (check it out by going to the BOOK tab on this website!).

Today, I conduct diagnostic assessments and work with clients in therapy while continuing to learn and share my knowledge about psychology and healing online. I can honestly say that having the opportunity to be welcomed into my clients’ minds, create safe spaces for others, and share what I have learned with humans all over the world has been deeply gratifying.

This feeling encourages me to continue learning more and more about the human mind (and body) so I can share what I learn. In the past few years, I have been learning more about the mind-body connection and deepening my personal practice with mindfulness and yoga. In my spare time I hang out with my dog, find new places to eat out with my partner, go on nature walks, and honestly - just sit around and allow myself to just be.

After all - we are human beings. Not human doings. I hope that your mind can be a safe space for you to just be you.

Please note that social media is not a substitute for therapy. Any information you read on this website or social media accounts related to Amy Tran or @doodledwellness is not a substitute for professional or medical advice.


CPA Accredited Predoctoral Training

  • Toronto Area Consortium Residency

  • Youthdale Treatment Centres

  • Toronto Catholic District School Board

  • Broadview Psychology

Ph.D Candidate, Clinical Psychology

  • Child Clinical Psychology Specialization

  • University of Windsor, Canada

  • Placements I have worked at include community agencies, hospitals, a rehabilitation centre, and private clinics

M.A., Clinical Psychology

  • Child Clinical Psychology Specialization

  • University of Windsor, Canada

 ✨My training has taught me how to diagnose mental health disorders and provide therapy to children, adolescents, and emerging adults.

 ✨My research focuses on how different parent-child dynamics impact children’s mental health. I have a strong interest in exploring how our earliest relationships and experiences influence how we see ourselves, see other people, and see the world.  

 ✨I have also been trained to review and conduct research. My own research has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, nominated for the Governor General’s Gold Medal, and won the Canadian Psychological Association’s Certificate of Academic Excellence.

Who I’ve worked with

Topics of Interest

  • Self Compassion

  • Mindfulness

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Parent-Child Dynamics

  • Healthy Boundaries

  • Mind-Body Connection

  • Validation

  • Attachment & Intimate Relationships